Practical Innovation w/ Jobs-to-be-Done is your definitive guide to the techniques only accessible to the Fortune 500 before now. Our rigorous method is evolving into a simple, faster, and less expensive way to get the answers you need to make Executive matter what the size or stage of your company is. We're not selling workshops that help you finger paint, or put stickys on a canvas. Our work generates granular data, insights and strategic options that will make you a leader.

I help UX/CX teams improve service experiences by 5 to 6X without the repetition, cost, and time required by traditional consulting

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I’ve recently developed an #AI architecture designed to accelerate the qualitative research from weeks or months to near zero. It’s a piece in the puzzle supporting a completely new consulting model that will make it more accessible to businesses with smaller budgets. As a result, I’ve been able to share some of that work for free.

If you’d like to book some time to discuss your innovation problem, please do so here.

Mike Boysen, Practical Jobs-to-be-Done

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Revolutionizing market research for businesses with actionable insights. Say goodbye to guesswork, hello to informed decisions with Practical Jobs-to-be-Done. Book 30 minutes with me