Hey, in case you're wondering, I'm not talking about a "headline generator" here that spits out text modeled around skateboard theory. This will be a true catalog of content that you can use to quantify opportunities in the market for products, services or journeys. Here's what I'm thinking for complete package:

1. Job Map - with explanations for each step from both a customer perspective and a provider perspective stated using proper structure and not conflated with assumptions and metrics.

2. Success Metrics - for each step in the job map. Simple, and easy to consumer statements that are not overly burdensome to understand, or sell to a stakeholder

3. Maturity Scale - for each step in the job map so you can construct maturity models that match your job (this can have many uses)

4. Context Catalog - 10-20 contexts and explanations the job could be executed in. This would allow you to narrow your study, or expand your study

5. Situation Catalog - 10-20 situations and explanations an end user could face when getting the jog done. Generally, combinations of situations or contexts will help you explain your segmentations

6. Related Jobs: Approximately 10-15 jobs the end user is involved with before, during, and after the main job focus. While these are generally rated at the job level to help prioritize future research, I would also include 50 success metrics for each job (unmapped)

7. A catalog of both emotional and social jobs to help you with messaging

8. A set of Financial Metrics for both the buyer and the provider

9. A set of consumption outcomes for a handful of consumption jobs that interest you

10. A set of 50 unmapped success metrics for the core job for constructing simpler surveys quickly

11. 20 screening questions that you would use to make sure you are only capturing inputs from end users who are actually responsible for the job

12. Instructions for constructing a robust survey

13. Instructions for constructing a capabilitiy model and in what situations you would use that to complement your market research.

That's only the qualitative package. Don't be fooled by canvases and job story job statements. Ask yourself, "what can I do with those?" The answer is nothing. This type of research used to take a lot of time and was subject to the interpretation of individuals who may or may not have been involved with collecting it. A catalog like this would be invaluable because it is comprehensive (maybe overly so) and lacks the bias that is found in most research. Models cannot afford to have bias in them. We want the market to tell us what they think, not lead them with our assumptions.

More soon

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And on the package I am keen to know how do you wish to commercialize the same if at all there is one. Cheers

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I'm still working this out. It will likely be a portfolio of Job catalogs that are pre-baked that can be purchased for a reasonable price. In addition, there will be a custom option where you can purchase a catalog tailored to your research and survey-ready, a second option would be to run a survey for you, and the third option would be to build a data model and visual dashboard for analysis as a driver for strategy formulation.

As I said, this won't b a headline generator that outputs a bunch of silly job story statements - which are useless. I'm not going to be build a tool, I'm going to be offering outcomes at various stages. Hope that makes sense. I know a lot of people in this community want to be process experts because that's what they do. This will be more for executive decision-makers.

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Echo similar sentiments. Cheers

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Good read Mike. A quick check, why do you believe the argument of lindy affect not kick in for consulting industry. Would it not be that the business model has survived these number of years and will continue to be so in future as well. Cheers

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Interesting. Did the Lindy Effect theory have a look at film-based photography? Photography (or a variety of jobs that it supports) is still around, but the solution changed. High-touch consulting is a solution. It may never go away completely, but the real Job is about getting answers to growth and profit questions. I'm suggesting that there will be new ways to address the overserved part of the market. At this time, much if it traditional approach can be automated to a great degree.

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New ways and too traditional approach bingo. Adaption to changing context is definitely key.

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Mar 19, 2023
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i took what I learned with Strategyn and made some changes. Faster and more cheaply and some updates on top

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