However, I've put a of thought into simplifying the structure of the framework. I've written about that over the past year on this blog and given examples. If you're interested in the learning more about ODI, then you can check out or read the free ebook that can be downloaded from
I recommend a simpler approach. It's much better than the alternative and you'll have more success convincing others. I wrote this piece recently on a topic we can all related to
Thanks Mike. I’ll check these out. For my work with micro businesses, I’ve been sifting through and finding the simplest ways to implement that will help them stay focused on customer needs, position themselves so they can grab their best fit clients attention, charge a premium price for their services and convert more leads. It’s been real fun to see the results.
What, no questions?
Hi Mike. Do you have a resource for creating a job map and metrics? I think you mentioned that you have written on that before.
Tara, this is something I put together to simplify the Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI) methodology for people that were interested...
However, I've put a of thought into simplifying the structure of the framework. I've written about that over the past year on this blog and given examples. If you're interested in the learning more about ODI, then you can check out or read the free ebook that can be downloaded from
I recommend a simpler approach. It's much better than the alternative and you'll have more success convincing others. I wrote this piece recently on a topic we can all related to
This post talks about simplification and links to a post I wrote that describes a "test-fit" method that will help you to build models that make sense
Thanks Mike. I’ll check these out. For my work with micro businesses, I’ve been sifting through and finding the simplest ways to implement that will help them stay focused on customer needs, position themselves so they can grab their best fit clients attention, charge a premium price for their services and convert more leads. It’s been real fun to see the results.
Focus on simple maps and metrics. For what you are doing, you don't need to quantify anything. You can use the map and common sense/logic to guide you